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The Free Exchange of Ideas
Far too many people, it seems to me, are afraid of evolving. They seem to think that any reversal of previously-held opinion renders one “inconsistent” or “inauthentic.” But it makes perfect sense to change one’s view as new knowledge comes to light. Indeed, at the heart of free inquiry lies the imperative to evolve toward a more enlightened state. To remain stubbornly fixed in a view in light of new information would seem to be the negation of this imperative.
Sometimes the reversals people experience can seem extreme, even baffling, to others. This should come as no surprise, since no two people see any issue from precisely the same vantage point; neither do they evolve at the same speed, nor in the same direction. One of the best forms of education is teaching oneself to see all sides of every issue, including (or especially) issues about which you feel most strongly. Not only does this help you to become more tolerant of those who do not share your view; it also prepares you to debate more effectively, without resorting to ad hominem attacks. What is the point of debate, after all, if not to change your opponent’s point of view, and remain open to having your own viewpoint changed?
It’s fascinating to watch two mutually respectful, intelligent, and well-prepared people conduct a debate. In the best cases, neither opponent emerges from the experience entirely unchanged. If the apologist for one view makes an excellent case, his/her opponent can’t help but be partially swayed, even if not completely won over to that viewpoint.
There are a few rules I think should be a priori agreements when entering into a debate:
1) Ad hominem (“against the person”) attacks are off-limits.
2) That which is asserted without evidence may be discarded without evidence.
3) Both sides should be alert to truths spoken by the other, and willing to concede them (if not necessarily conceding the implications the opponent infers from those truths).
The Socratic principle that people can only be said to be truly educated when they've come to realize how ignorant they are is brilliant. When one comes to the sudden realization that it may not be safe to believe everything one believes, real growth and education become possible. Flexibility and mental agility are excellent attributes to bring to a debate, especially considering the recent coarsening of discourse in our culture. My new goal is to become as post-partisan and as unaffected by ideology as possible. To make judgments about people based on what they say and do; to resist the cultural bias that encourages us to judge thoughts and words based on who a person is. “Hmm...this seems like a fairly cogent argument...wait a minute, this guy’s a Democrat! Well, so much for that argument!” You get the idea: we want to view each issue in its own context, untethered from ideology.
Copyright © 2013 by William K. Ferro
All rights reserved
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