Just finished a political speechwriting gig. Rhetorical Flourishes R Us!
Here's a topic near and dear to every freelancer's heart: dealing with delinquent accounts. Ever work your rear end off on a long, time-consuming gig, only to have the client fall off the planet after the final product is delivered and it's time to settle up? Isn't that just a pile of...fun?
Just happened to me. Did a substantive edit on a hugely long manuscript that needed a great deal of work. Worked overtime to get it to the client as quickly as possible--to the exclusion of other, potentially remunerative work. As of today, third notice of balance due ignored and counting. Just lovely.
On a happier note, the vast majority of my clients are perfectly punctual, and an absolute pleasure to work with/for. So happy that the current situation is the exception and not the rule!
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