Your make yourself quite ludicrous with all this talk of hell.
The mad beliefs to which you cling are really quite absurd,
But you insist we take you at your great god's holy word.
Thank god your god does not exist! It never could or will.
Ancient Hebrew warrior gods remain not with us still.
The time has come for growing up, embracing what is real.
This god is not, but people are; they live, and think, and feel.
So when you say,"you're going to hell!" it sounds quite like a threat
(Which, we both know, it's meant to be), and let us not forget
That you default to this rejoinder when all cogent thought has fled:
"Someday you'll be sorry; you'll be tortured when you're dead!"
Sinister, rebarbative, contemptible and vile.
A childish bit of petulance, an ugly bit of bile.
We'll have to chalk it up to insecurity and fear
Of atheists and socialists, and liberals and queers.
We pose a threat to you because we do not bend the knee
To gods of men's invention, nor embrace absurdity.
We're having too much fun here in the kingdom of the real
To let your silly threats from us one joyful moment steal.
So we proclaim to everyone,
Wherever they may dwell:
Rejoice and be exceedingly glad;
There's no such place as hell!