Friday, July 20, 2012

Time Out of Time

Sharing Your Creative Vision

If you're like most people, you've probably had the experience of becoming fully absorbed in some creative project, of getting "in the zone" and experiencing a burst of creative energy that took you out of time. Hours may have passed while you were in this state, but you were completely unaware of their passage. Afterwards, perhaps you looked at the result of your "time out of time" and wondered "Where in the world did that come from?" What's going on here?

One answer may lie in the view that the creative impulse that seized you for a time came from within but not merely from within. Upon reflection, you may see that while it availed itself of your inner resources, its genesis was actually something outside of you: a vast, unlimited, creative Source. Depending on your background, you may call this source the collective unconscious, The Higher Self, the Divine, or God. Whatever label you choose to give it, what will likely be clear to you is that you were helped along by a vast, benign wellspring of creativity beyond yourself. What may be equally clear is that the experience wasn't meant for you alone; you were meant to share it with the wider world.

Imagine how much poorer our world would be if creative geniuses like J.S. Bach, he Buddha, and Michelangelo had kept their work to themselves. We would have no Mass in B Minor, no Dhammapada, no David. You may object to any comparison of yourself to these luminaries, insisting that your creative efforts are no match for those of such world-class geniuses. But regardless of your native gifts and talent, you do have a mandate to share the results of your creativity with those in your sphere of influence. Who knows; history may prove you wrong in your estimation of your gifts!

Whether your creativity takes the form of music, art, writing, teaching, or something else, the importance of putting it out there for others to enjoy can hardly be overemphasized. Share your creative vision with us; the world will be a richer, more rewarding place if you do!



Copyright 2012 by William K. Ferro
All rights reserved

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