The examined life of a humanist writer/philosopher, with essays, poetry and meditations on diverse topics.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016
The True Quality
"To understand the true quality of people, you must look into their minds, and examine their pursuits and aversions."
--Marcus Aurelius
Monday, August 8, 2016
A Uniquely American Heresy
The dominant ethos among American religious conservatives now seems to be defined by the assumption that every aspect of contemporary culture -- and the vast majority of Americans -- are on the highway to hell. All but gone is the former rational, relatively prosocial notion that Christians ought to be “salt and light” in society, transforming it for the better from within. This idea seems to have been largely replaced by a highly aggressive species of religious triumphalism. (Everyone knows religious people who are thoroughly at odds with this degradation of the faith, of course. Unfortunately, the loudest voices in any given demographic belong to its zealots.)
Fervent opposition to equal rights for LGBT citizens has become a heretical article of faith among these believers, along with a simplistic, black-and-white view of highly complex disciplines such as bioethics and Constitutional interpretation. Their posture toward secular culture is by turns defensive, bellicose and apocalyptic. In an age of unprecedented diversity and pluralism, their bigotry is slowly consigning them to cultural irrelevance; they seem to realize this, if not always on a conscious level. The slow death of their cultural hegemony fuels their rage, which appears to be bottomless.
This brand of religion is, I contend, a uniquely American heresy. It will take the cooperation of secularists and moderate believers to disempower it and to rebuild the crumbling wall separating church and state.
Fervent opposition to equal rights for LGBT citizens has become a heretical article of faith among these believers, along with a simplistic, black-and-white view of highly complex disciplines such as bioethics and Constitutional interpretation. Their posture toward secular culture is by turns defensive, bellicose and apocalyptic. In an age of unprecedented diversity and pluralism, their bigotry is slowly consigning them to cultural irrelevance; they seem to realize this, if not always on a conscious level. The slow death of their cultural hegemony fuels their rage, which appears to be bottomless.
This brand of religion is, I contend, a uniquely American heresy. It will take the cooperation of secularists and moderate believers to disempower it and to rebuild the crumbling wall separating church and state.
Copyright 2016 William K. Ferro
Friday, July 29, 2016
Health Food for the Mind?
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Have you ever stopped to think about how your patterns of media consumption may be affecting your practice? Most yoga and meditation practitioners I know are motivated by the desire to unify body, mind, and spirit. A devoted yoga practice tends to result in a healthy, well-balanced body; meditation brings clarity of focus and a calm, lucid mind.
On a daily basis, media outlets overwhelm us with images and headlines designed to evoke a visceral, outraged response in us. Broadcast media are particularly infamous for their strict observance of the dictum, “If it bleeds, it leads.” Now that news and commentary have become a 24-hour-a-day affair, screens are everywhere, and most people stay connected to social media throughout the day, we wind up taking in an astonishing number of horrifying images and alarming headlines daily. Not exactly health food for the mind!
In fact, psychologists now have a name for the affliction that tends to strike empathetic individuals who binge on bad news: vicarious trauma. Interestingly, test data suggest that people who compulsively watch and read about traumatic events may actually sustain slightly more emotional damage than those who experience them first-hand.
We find ourselves in need of psychic shelter; desperately seeking refuge from the mental toxins that fly at us nonstop. Mindfulness is the key. If we can muster enough awareness through daily meditation practice, we'll know what's going on (Breathing in, I know I am handling emotionally combustible materials. Breathing out, I am alert to their effect on my psyche.) We'll thus be aware the moment we've reached our legal limit for bad news (“Breathing in, I know my mind cannot handle any more toxins. Breathing out, I take refuge in the beauty of my practice.”)
Broadcast news and social media, with their constant attention to What's Wrong and Why You Should Be Outraged, can paint an unrealistic picture of the world. Over-consumption of these media may convince us that there is only bad news, that nothing life-affirming is happening anywhere . For every atrocious news story we take in, we should seek out at least three observations of the beauty that constantly surrounds us:
“Today, the sun shone brightly on trees in full bloom, which busily converted sunlight into energy.”
“In a moment of extraordinary clarity last night, a grieving woman was able to visualize the presence of her wise ancestors in the palm of her own hand.”
“A village in the developing world just secured a dependable source of clean water for the first time.”
And so on.
If you manage a page or a group on social media, you may discover that you yourself sometimes fall into the trap of over-reporting the negative and the abysmal. Please help all of us -- and yourself -- by following the Three-for-One rule of posting. Please give us more of the things that nourish, sustain and empower us, and less to aggrieve us and threaten us with despair.
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Let Me Flee
A Song for My Fellow Introverts
(To the tune of Let It Be)
When I find myself in Smalltalk City,
I am filled with ennui.
Voice within me whispers,
"Let me flee."
And in the hour of cocktails,
I am trapped in strange perplexity.
And the voice grows louder:
"Let me flee!"
"Let me flee, let me flee,
Let me flee, let me flee."
Yes, the voice grows louder,
"Let me flee!"
And when the extroverted people
Bear right down on top of me,
I am thinking only,
"Let me flee."
The system is alerted;
I am feeling trapped and panicky.
Still the voice shouts louder,
"Let me flee!"
"Let me flee, let me flee,
Let me flee, let me flee."
Voice shouts ever louder,
"Let me flee!"
And when the hours are dragging
And I'm sagging existentially,
I've just one obsession:
"Let me flee."
I hear the sound of desperation,
Rising up inside of me.
Head is fucking pounding,
"Let me flee!"
"Let me flee, let me flee,
Let me flee, let me flee."
My head is fucking pounding,
"Let me flee!"
"Let me flee, let me flee,
let me flee, yeah, let me flee."
Voice shouts ever louder:
"Let me flee!"
Copyright 2016 William K. Ferro
All rights reserved
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Upon the Quaking Earth
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Who try to legislate what's true
Will never comprehend the like
Of men like me and you.
Nor women, fiercely logical,
With firm, determined eyes,
Nor children, strong and confident,
Accepting no more lies,
Whose lives they know are forfeit
In this world we leave behind.
That seismic shift, the reckoning
Of a great, unpunished crime.
But dance upon the quaking earth
With fearlessness and grace.
And recommit to earth,
Your own true nature re-embrace.
Lucid, free and solid,
In the present moment dwell.
One mindful step upon the earth,
Your ticket out of hell.
Copyright 2016 William K. Ferro
Friday, May 20, 2016
Hegemony, Disengagement and Revolt
When billionaire sociopaths take hegemonic control over an erstwhile democratic republic, the only sane responses for citizens are radical disengagement or open revolt. They're counting on us to choose the former; let's choose the latter.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
You Are
You are the lotus flower,
Blooming beautifully in the muck.
You are the oak tree,
Firmly rooted in the earth.
You are the brilliant diamond,
Stunning in its clarity.
You are expanding consciousness,
Boundless in its freedom.
Copyright 2016 William K. Ferro
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Contemplation of the Immeasurables
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I contemplate lovingkindness;
May all beings know love.
I contemplate joy;
May all beings know happiness.
I contemplate compassion;
May all beings know kindness.
I contemplate equanimity;
May all beings know peace.
Copyright 2016 William K. Ferro
Monday, May 2, 2016
Civil War: The Sequel -- Is It Inevitable?
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"We'll be fighting in the streets,
With our children at our feet,
And the 'morals' that they worshipped will be gone."
It's not just the most obvious suspects (Trump supporters) who are likely to riot; crazed, overzealous supporters of both Clinton and Sanders are also bound to be involved. The cult of personality around Sanders is inherently problematic, as all such cults are. (I say that as a strong supporter of his, but -- I hope -- not an unhinged one.) Clinton's stalwarts, I fear, have a more visceral problem: in my judgment, many of their minds are clouded by issues of gender and the institutional sexism woven into American life. Both are strong invitations to "think with the blood."
Then there are the god-botherers, who are even more certain than normal that the entire culture is literally on the highway to hell. They clearly feel profoundly alienated, left behind (ironically) by a culture that's had its fill of their zealotry and has no more stomach for their systemic bigotry. The inevitable sidelining of Cruz is likely to push THEM over the edge.
What's clearly needed is a core group of calm, reasonable adults -- wise tribal elders, if you will -- who can pump a huge wave of equanimity, civility and balance into the culture. That may prevent, or at least ameliorate, the looming paroxysm.
Civil War: The Sequel is not inevitable, although at present it does seem likely to manifest in some form. Let's hope we can contain the worst of the fallout.
Copyright 2016 William K. Ferro
Thursday, April 28, 2016
A State of Mind
I think the failure on the part of many Americans to understand us Sanders diehards is rooted in the erroneous belief that we're campaigning for a nice, slightly irascible old guy who gives us a warm fuzzy.
In fact, what we're fighting for is a return to our founding values: E Pluribus Unum (out of many, one), the Bill of Rights, the common good. We're interested in reclaiming our democratic republic from the jaws of plutocracy. We don't want our kids and grandkids coming back from various hell dimensions in boxes (or shattered in body and mind) so a handful of rich sociopaths can get even richer.
We think that a Supreme Court decision that has put every elected office in the country up for sale to the highest bidder deserves to be tossed in the trash. That sending kids to college is better than sending them to the desert to kill and die for fossil fuels.
We agree (with Thomas Jefferson) that the separation of church and state is an absolute requirement for a free society. That the bodily autonomy rights of women are not up for debate. That to poison the environment is to poison ourselves; that failure to act immediately and decisively against climate change will have a disastrous impact not just on future generations, but on people trying to survive today.
These are just a few of the things we're deeply committed to. The fight doesn't begin or end with one man, one politician, one campaign. Being a Sanders supporter is a state of mind.
Copyright 2016 William K. Ferro
Help Us Out, Won't You?
I've written before that the world rather desperately needs not more successful people, more powerful people or more wealthy people. What the world -- the entire biosphere, in fact -- needs is more truly happy people.
If you're reading this, I'll assume you're with me on that score, and shall proceed with the "how-to" of the task.
There are countless sources of deep, abiding happiness in your field of view at this very moment. If you have functioning eyes, all manner of forms, colors, and designs both natural and man made are available to you. Yes, whatever afflictions you have are still there, but spare some attention for the the gorgeous sights around you right now. It will take away some of the fixation you have with all those ongoing irritants (everyone has them, you know).
Your ears still work to some degree! A natural soundtrack plays the moment you step outdoors. Birds in enraptured song, the distant breathing of the highway, raindrops on the young, green leaves of trees. You are able to enjoy the tactile aspects of the world: to hold an abandoned bird's nest in your hand, to pet a cat, to shake hands with a friend.
The sources of happiness go on and on. There is music, love, meaningful work, friendship and art. There are dizzying heights to be scaled through dedicated spiritual practice.
In short, you can help the entire world, simply by nurturing awareness of the countless conditions for happiness surrounding you. I hope you'll help us all out-- and yourself in the bargain.
Copyright 2016 William K. Ferro
Sunday, April 24, 2016
What Else?
How close to the sun
Are you willing to fly?
How high are you planning to soar?
Lay claim to the moment
And shatter the sky.
What else are you up there for?
Copyright 2016 William K. Ferro
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
The Bell of Mindfulness
The bell of mindfulness resounds;
Inner tensions begin to dissolve.
My mind is lucid;
My body is at ease.
Conscious breathing anchors me
To the island of safety within.
My heart is a garden
Where peaceful blossoms bloom.
Copyright 2016 William K. Ferro
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Walking Meditation
"The mind can go in a thousand directions,
But on this beautiful path, I am at peace.
With every breath, a cool breeze blows;
With every step, a flower blooms."
Flower Meditation
Image from
Like a flower,
I am fresh and alive.
Like a mountain,
I am solid and strong.
Like still water,
I am lucid and clear.
Like infinite space,
I am boundless and free.
-- An adaptation of a gatha from the Zen tradition.
Saturday, April 16, 2016
True Nature Gatha
My true nature,
I fully honor.
My unique path,
I freely follow.
My deep craving,
I radically transform.
My perfect wholeness,
I mindfully embrace.
Copyright 2016 William K. Ferro
Thursday, April 14, 2016
No Distinction
There's really no distinction
Between the sacred and profane,
No clear dividing line between the two.
Let there be no consternation,
No terror and no pain.
Just mindfully embrace what comes to you.
Copyright 2016 William K. Ferro
Monday, April 11, 2016
Lucidity Gatha
Breathing in, my mind is fully lucid.
Breathing out, my body is at ease.
I mindfully embrace all my afflictions,
And calmly, those afflictions I release.
Copyright 2016 William K. Ferro
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
This Peaceful Revolution
We are in the midst of a great paradigm shift. This revolution will be won by hundreds of thousands of peaceful warriors, standing firmly together for justice, peace, freedom and hope.
We thought we were victims; together, we discovered that we were the collective hero that we sought.
We considered the powers of hatred, greed and delusion unstoppable; we thought they defined our society at its core. We learned that they yield to the collective energy of lovingkindness, generosity and awakening.
We had despaired of ever seeing the rage, bigotry and violence so pervasive in our culture changing. We witnessed joy, equanimity and nonviolence restrain and subdue them.
This revolution began in the hearts of individual moral agents; it gathered steam as these practitioners pooled their spiritual resources.
We came together to generate an unstoppable tidal wave of lovingkindness, joy, compassion and equanimity.
This peaceful revolution doesn't come to an end; it is renewed daily by the individual and collective practice of innumerable apostles of peace.
We thought we were victims; together, we discovered that we were the collective hero that we sought.
We considered the powers of hatred, greed and delusion unstoppable; we thought they defined our society at its core. We learned that they yield to the collective energy of lovingkindness, generosity and awakening.
We had despaired of ever seeing the rage, bigotry and violence so pervasive in our culture changing. We witnessed joy, equanimity and nonviolence restrain and subdue them.
This revolution began in the hearts of individual moral agents; it gathered steam as these practitioners pooled their spiritual resources.
We came together to generate an unstoppable tidal wave of lovingkindness, joy, compassion and equanimity.
This peaceful revolution doesn't come to an end; it is renewed daily by the individual and collective practice of innumerable apostles of peace.
Copyright 2016 by William K. Ferro
Monday, March 28, 2016
Ponder Nonduality
A sky of slate above my head,
The earth, a fertile womb,
A ragged pathway beckons me;
I step into the gloom.
Cold the air, and rough the trail
That leads me on my way,
Into woods and out of time,
Retreating from the fray.
I seek surcease in solitude
From sorrows that have grown;
I need a tranquil resting place
In regions yet unknown.
Now stepping through the opening
That leads to other realms,
I ponder nonduality
And fall back, overwhelmed.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
The Great Bell Chant
Even in the darkest places,
May living beings hear it clearly.
That all suffering in them may cease,
Understanding come to their heart,
And they transcend the path of sorrow and death.
The universal dharma door is already open;
The sound of the rising tide is heard clearly.
The miracle happens: A beautiful child
Appears in the heart of a lotus flower.
One single drop of this compassionate water
Is enough to bring back the refreshing spring
The miracle happens: A beautiful child
Appears in the heart of a lotus flower.
One single drop of this compassionate water
Is enough to bring back the refreshing spring
To our mountains and rivers.
Listening to the bell,
Listening to the bell,
I feel the afflictions in me begin to dissolve.
My mind calm,
My body relaxed,
A smile is born on my lips.
Following the sound of the bell,
My breath brings me back
My mind calm,
My body relaxed,
A smile is born on my lips.
Following the sound of the bell,
My breath brings me back
to the safe island of mindfulness.
In the garden of my heart,
The flowers of peace bloom beautifully.
In the garden of my heart,
The flowers of peace bloom beautifully.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
A Gorgeous Gatha
Have to share this gorgeous gatha for meditation from TNH. This one got me through a medical test today; it made me feel solid, lucid and calm in a situation that usually causes a good deal of anxiety. I highly recommend it!
* * *
Breathing in, I know I am breathing in.
Breathing out, I know I am breathing out.
[breathing in, etc.] I feel my in-breath grow deep.
I feel my out-breath become slow.
I feel calm.
I feel ease.
I smile to my afflictions.
I release my afflictions.
In, out.
Deep, slow.
Calm, ease.
Smile, release.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
In the Garden of Mind...
...Flowers of Consciousness Bloom
Today I was meditating on abundance and satiety, and the ethical implications of both. Abundance is the opposite of scarcity; it simply implies that needs are met, and perhaps there’s a little left over afterwards. Satiety is defined as "fullness to the point of excess," which most observers would probably consider a fair description of a large portion of the North American population.
Abundance can be made of anything. The salient things aren’t things at all, but the way you perceive reality, your relationship with your environment. I see abundance as largely a matter of cognition, attitude and practice. Looking deeply into abundance, I see peace, shared prosperity and shared global responsibility.
Looking deeply into satiety, on the other hand, I see resource wars and terrorism playing on an endless loop. It isn’t sustainable for one part of the world to consume such an outsize portion of the world’s natural resources while comprising only a sliver of the planet's population. While satiety is causing its own intrinsic problems in this culture, the impact of such patterns of consumption on parts of the developing world can be devastating. Boiled down to its essence, the never-ending cycle of war and terrorism -- with devastation of the biosphere as collateral damage -- is about patterns of consumption.
We know that craving and attachment cause suffering, and that seeking a never-ending surfeit of material possesions can feed both these mental formations. Most of us in this part of the world do have an overabundance of resources at our disposal. At the same time, there are members of our species all over the planet living subsistence-level lives, and many actually fall below that line on any given day. To the the humanist, the ethical philosopher and the peace practitioner, the correct course is obvious: redistribute our excess to those at the other end of the economic scale. Balance!
From a place of abundance, we know that we have all that we need and enough to share with those who need our help most. Our daily lives can be a reflection of our mindfulness of the interconnected nature of all beings.
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